No-Nasties Microwave Cleaning – Bernice Thompson


That ain’t lasagne…

Inspired by the current state of our microwave, I’ve decided to dedicate this post to the lasagned-layers-of-food that have lined the walls of our microwave for one (ok two) month(s) now. I’m sadly not even exaggerating. So today’s post is a hazchem-free easy-peasey way to clean The Mike.


You will need:

  1.     2 cups of water
  2.     1 cup of apple cider vinegar
  3.     A microwave proof bowl
  4.     A dry cloth – micro-fibre if you have one and your ‘Mike’ is particularly dirty
  5.     A microwave
  6.     Electricity
  7.     Wine

How you do it

  1. Pour yourself a glass of wine
  2. Pour water and apple cider into microwave proof bowl.
  3. Turn microwave on for high for five minutes.
  4. Drink wine.
  5. Once the five minutes is up, leave the water and vinegar in the microwave for another minute for optimum steam absorption.
  6. Drink wine.

This is the point where I get annoyed ‘cos our microwave beeps intermittently until you open the door and I’ve just sat down to watch Osher’s hair (love Rosie) and drink my wine.

  1. Put your wine down.
  2. CAREFULLY take the water & vinegar mixture from the microwave. It’s frickin hot!
  3. Wipe out the microwave with the dry cloth. (This is more of a scrubbing motion in our household; we live a little more like a share-house than a family…but you can also reduce this by using a micro-fibre cloth)
  4. Tahdah! Turns out my microwave is white, not yellow!

As per usual, the wine bits are optional (or mandatory in my case).

Now sit down and finish the bottle and admire you’re work. You deserve it!



TSD, his Dad and Grandpa on Father’s Day

PS A special holler goes out to all the gravy lovers out there, these three in particular, The Small Dictator (who is very coincidentally sporting a suspiciously dictator-like graze on his upper lip atm…), The Baby Daddy and my Dadji. Happy Father’s Day!

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